Monday, December 7, 2009

Bake These.

These are baked apples and they are really great. Yes, very descriptive. So, try them and come up with your own description. I think they make a nice dessert during the fall, especially after a heavy meal where perhaps oh, let's say chocolate cake, seems like overkill. You can use any kind you like - these were from when I went apple picking back in early October.

All I do is slice them in half lengthwise and remove the core. Then I sprinkle cinnamon and a bit of sugar (brown or white, whichever you prefer - I use brown). I also like to add ground clove and nutmeg (you can use apple pie or pumpkin pie spice too!).

Bake at 350° for about 30 minutes. They should be tender, yet still have a slight crunch to them. Serve warm (you can add a little vanilla ice cream if you had a light supper :)

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